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Pomegranate Seeds Oil


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A great anti-aging oil which is produced from the dried seeds of pomegranate. The dried seeds are pressed on cold temperature under the highest pharmaceutical standards to give their rich in anti-oxidants oil.

Pomegranate oil contais two inflammatory enzymes, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, which help protect the skin against the age accelerating effects of inflammations. Pomegranate phenolic compounds promote vitalization of dull or mature skin, reduce wrinkles, and soothe minor skin irritations.

Our pomegranate oil contains up to 85% of Punicic acid (when the average good quality oil contains 60% ) , and Omega 5 conjugated fatty acids. Those acids give it strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce skin swelling and muscular aches. It also adds moisture, has natural estrogenic, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which improves skin elasticity and protects the skin.

Several recent studies, including one conducted by the University Of Michigan Medical School have shown that pomegranate oil helps reverse visible signs of aging by promoting a moderate thickening of the epidermis, and increasing dermal cell proliferation and collagen synthesis at the same time.

For purchase please contact us
Category: Product ID: 20170380 CPNP: 2379596
Remarkable Benefits

High in antioxidants, this oil helps clean up free radicals that lead to wrinkles and skin thickening.

Pomegranate seed oil has antioxidant activity higher than red wine , and similar to the one that green tea has.

For All Skin Types

All skin types can benefit from this oil. It is absorbed deeply into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. It can be used by those with dry skin to help moisturize. It also works well for those with oily skin, by aiding in skin regeneration. This oil does not clog pores.

Pomegranate oil stimulates “keratinocyte” proliferation, which promotes regeneration of the epidermis. This helps skin retain its youthful appearance by creating new skin cells.

Enhance Skin Texture

Improves elasticity while regenerating the skin by causing keratinocytes (old skin cells) to be sloughed off more quickly. It also reduces scarring.

Pomegranate seed oil contains a human compatible form of pro-estrogen, which enhances skin texture in both men and women by supporting hormonal balance


An excellent oil for topical anti-aging effects. It has high levels of antioxidants that challenge free radicals and keep your skin from aging too quickly.

Pomegranate seed oil also promotes collagen and elastin production.


- Clean your face with lukewarm water. Wipe gently and apply 3 drops of oil. Avoid the area around the eyes.

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